Last week Jabba and I played a few games. In this first one I made a big blunder, I was quite fortunate he did the same. We both did see it, but we both went looking for alternatives and forgot about it (move 20). In the end he thought he could give me a back rank made and he missed the mate in one, I think he was still somewhat dazed and confused after missing the grand opportunity.
I did try to see some alternatives and variations for myself, but I could come up mostly with suggestions for his side. The blunders are obvious, I think.
I hope someone can give my some suggestions and if anyone would know how to change the colours of the white squares (for instance to the one of chessup, see my endgame post), would be nice info as well.
6 hours ago
2.Bb5? - You've already lost your advantage. "Knights before bishops" is an opening principle for a reason.
3.Bc4? - This is not a good square, either. 3...d5! 4.Bb3 Nf6.
Black can gain time attacking your prematurely developed bishop
3...Qf6? Black gives back the advantage. Besides missing ...d5, this violates "Don't develop your queen too early" and his queen prevents the natural development of his king's knight.
5...Bd6? Black blocks his d-pawn and lines his queen and bishop up for a possible later pawn fork.
6...Bc5? - Black loses time developing his bishop twice.
8.d4! - Your last few moves have been excellent, actually. You developed a knight, castled, prepared for a central expansion, and then carried it out. If you keep playing like this you'll win!
13.c4?! - How about 13.Qd5, infiltrating with your queen with a gain of time? His king is uncastled and you already have two bishops and a knight in the vicinity so there will be all sorts of tactical opportunities.
15.Ra3?? - Qxb3 regaining your piece.
16.Nc3?? - This allows Nxf3 Qxf3 Qxg5 clearly winning.
17.Nxe5! - Nice.
20.e5?? - Hanging your queen.
20...f5?? - Missing the hanging queen and hanging a knight.
21...fxg4 - And the game is equal.
24.Nxb6? - Rg4! chasing the queen off the h4-e7 diagonal and therefore threatening Qxe7#
28.Qxe7#! :)
Wow that was a kick-ass analysis!
hiddenleaf: those were some really unorthodox opening moves, but since Jabba played totally unorthodox too, it kinda worked out. :-)
To change the colors of the light squares:
in the embedded code make "&light=eeeeee" and use hex color code for color of your choice instead of eeeeee.
Also see
Since likesforests has done the analyse i only will give some opening rules.
1. play one pawn in the centre, not more then two.
2. develop your pieces
3. King safety (0-0 or 0-0-0}
The opening is all about taking control of the centre (e4-d4-d5-e5) which gives you the easier play and in most cases the initiative.
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